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Input and Output Control Parameters


Generate output in the main output file at each IPHSTYth integration step. To disable output set IPHSTY to zero.


Generate output in the main output file for each ISHSTYth slice.


Write the particle distribution to file at each IPPARTth integration step. To disable output set IPPART to zero. The filename is the same of the main outputfile + the extension '.par'.


Write the particle distribution to file for every ISPART slice.


Write the field distribution to file at each IPRADIth integration step. To disable output set IPRADI to zero. The filename is the same of the main outputfile + the extension '.fld'.


Write the field distribution to file for every ISRADI slice.


If set to a non-zero value the output time window is the same as the simulated time window. Otherwise the output for the first slices covered by the slippage length is subpressed. Needed for bunches which are completely covered by the time-window.

' 'string

The name of the main output file. The prompt for the output filename at the beginning of a GENESIS 1.3 run will be suppressed.


If set to a non-zero value the user is prompted to type in the file name containing a explicit description of the magnetic field.


Similar to MAGIN to write out the magnetic field lattice used for the simulation.

' 'string

Defines a file, which contains the magnetic field description, bypassing the interactive request of MAGIN.

' 'string

Defines the file to which the magnetic field lattice is written to, bypassing the interactive request of MAGOUT.


If set to a non-zero value the complete particle and field distribution is dumped at the undulator exit into two outputfiles. The filenames are the filename of the main output file plus the extension '.dpa' and '.dfl', respectively.


Similar to IDUMP but only for the field distribution.


Similar to IDUMP but only for the particle distribution.

' 'string

Specifying a file containing a lookup table for the electron beam parameters at different position along the bunch.

' 'string

Specifying a file containing a lookup table for the seeding radiation pulse at different position along the bunch.

' 'string

If DISTFILE is defined, the 6d distribution is imported into GENESIS 1.3 and used to load the phase space. The quiet start algorithm is bypassed.


When loading a slice, only particles of the external distribution are used, which falls within a small time-window centered around the current position of the slice. If NDCUT has a value larger than zero the width is calculated by (tmax-tmin)/NDCUT, where tmax and tmin are determined, while scanning through the particle distribution. If NDCUT is zero, the time-window is adjusted, so that in average NPART/NBINS particles fall in each slice.

' 'string

Defines the file containing the field distribution. The distribution is directly imported into the arrays, holding the field and the time-records.


When the FIELDFILE feature is used than Genesis 1.3 aligns the radiation field to the electron beam so that the radiaiton field is one ful slippage behind the electron beam. In this case there is no unphysical calculation because the field which slips through the back into the first electron slice is fully defined. However this alignment depends on the undulator length. To disable the automatic alignment ALIGNRADF has to be set to a non-zero value. If this is the case the last slice of the radiaiton field is aligned with the last electron slice. Field slices, which slips into the first electorn slice and which is not defined by the FIELDFILE is generated by the internal method of using the fundamental Gauss-Hermite mode


If the automatic alignment of the radiation field is disabled by setting ALIGNRADF to a non-zero value, the default alignment is that the first slice of the radiaiton field overlaps with the first slice of the electron beam. However the relative position can be controlled by OFFSETRADF. The value of OFFSETRADF defines the number of slice to skip before filling it for the first electorn slice. E.g. a value of 4 will uses the 5th slice for the simulation of the first slice. slices one to 4 will be used to fill up the slippage field. If Genesis 1.3. require to fill a slice which is not defined by the FIELDFILE then it uses the internal method of a fundamental Gauss-Hermite mode.

' 'string

Defines the file containing the particle distribution. The distribution is directly imported into the arrays holding the particle variables.


When the particle distribution is imported from a PARTFILE Genesis 1.3 allows the up-conversion to a higher harmonics. The harmonic number is specified with CONVHARM and has a defulat value of 1, corresponding to no up-conversion. The user has to make sure that in the input deck XLAMDS is adjusted, according to the new wavelength.


If an imported particle distribution from a PARTFILE is up-converted to a higher harmonics the dault behavior is that the number of slices is preserved. This requires that ZSEPis adjusted together with XLAMDS. However if frequency resolution is a problem then a particle distribution can be converted and used multiple times to keep ZSEP constant. The disadvantage is that the CPU execution time is increased as well.


When the PARTFILE features is used the imported particle distribution can be tracked through a generic 4 magnet chicane before running the Genesis simulation. The chicane consists out of 4 bending magnets of the field strength IBFIELD and length IMAGL separated by 5 drifts of length IDRIL. If the field strength of the magnet is set to zero the feature of a chicane is disabled (default behavior)


The length of each bending magnet of the chicane. If the magnet length is set to zero but IDRIL is not the resulting beam line correspond to a simple drift of the length 5 times IDRIL.


The length of the 5 drift lengths of the magnetic chicane (three between the magnets and one before and after the magnets).


Non zero value enables that a transport matrix is applied to the electron distribution when importing it with PARTFILE. The individual matrix is defined by ITRAM##


The pound signs are place holders for numbers between 1 and 6 (e.g. ITRAM21) and are defining the matrix element for the transport matrix, which is applied when importing a paticle distribution with the PARTFILE option. The matrix is defined in a standard way, acting on the vector (position in X, angle in X, position in Y, angle in Y, position in s, relative energy spread). The default value is the identity matrix.


If set to a non-zero value all further run-information and error messages are redirect to a log file. The name is the main output file name plus the extension '.log'.


Indication of the file type of all output files.

1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0array of integersunitless

Defines, which parameter is included in the main output file:
  1. radiation power
  2. logarithmic derivative of the power growth
  3. power density at the undulator axis
  4. radiation phase at the undulator axis
  5. transverse radiation size
  6. rms diffraction angle of the radiation
  7. beam energy
  8. bunching factor
  9. beam size in x
  10. beam size in y
  11. error in energy conservation
  12. beam position in x
  13. beam position in y
  14. energy spread
  15. on-axis field intensity in the far field zone
  16. output of 2nd harmonic
  17. output of 3rd harmonic
  18. output of 4th harmonic
  19. output of 5th harmonic
Note that the calculation of the diffraction angle is very CPU intensive. It is recommended to save some radiation profile distributions and apply the Fourier transformation in the post-processing part. The output format has changed with the latest version of Genesis. Instead of selecting individual parameters for higher harmonics, diagnostic for harmonics are given as a whole, containing four columns. They include the bunching factor, the radiation power, the radiation phase and amplitude.


To calculate a spectrum a post-processing step requires amplitude and phase, which are writen to the output file, defined by LOUT of column 3 and 4. The values depend on the choice of FFSPEC. If the value is equal the near field on-axis intensity and phase is written, while for a negative value it is the same but in the far field zone. For a positive value the near field intensity is replaced by the total radiation power, assuming transverse coherence.