Genesis 1.3The Genesis website has moved to a server at the Paul Scherrer Institute. Currently some work is done on a new website to address upcoming changes to the code. A web-based forum has been created at: http://genesis-fel.maxforum.org/ where users and developer can report bugs, exchange information, request help etc. Feel free to register there to keep updated with the latest development of Genesis
Deusque dixit fiat lux et facta est luxGenesis 1.3 is a simulation code to calculate the performance of Free-Electron Lasers (FEL), where the kinetic energy of electrons is transferred into a tunable, high-brightness radiation source.Genesis 1.3 is a open-source, non-commercial product, developed at the Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron DESY in Hamburg, Germany, as part of the my ph.d. thesis. Currently the code is maintained by the Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland. On this website you can find executables, source code, online documentation, third party programs and more, related to Genesis 1.3. For further information or questions on Genesis 1.3, feel free to contact me or other people, involed in the code. Sven Reiche, Los Angeles 6/29/12 |