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The Self-Describing Data Sets (SDDS) is a file format, developped at LANL and Argonne. It allows for an easier interface between Genesis 1.3 and other simulation codes (e.g. Elegant) for the simulation of complex systems (Start-end simulations). In addition the SDDS toolkit has a set of generic programs to process and visualize data, written in the SDDS format.
The eXtendable Markup Language (XML) is the current standard for platform-independent ASCII files (and with some limitations) binary files. It enforces that files are conform with the syntax (well-formatted) and semantic (validation) of the XML standard. XML supports also the processing and transformation of XML files on a scripting level instead of a programming level.
The Hirachial Data Format (HDF) tries to fulfill the promise of a platform-independent binary data format. In particular it supports the handling of large file sizes. Currently HDF5 is the latest standard. It requires special libraries to read and write HDF files, but the support by commercial programs is growing.
The parallel version of Genesis is based on the Message Passing Interface (MPI), a low-level standard for parallel computing based programs.
Professional Application (Pre-/Postprocessing)
Several professional programs can work with input and output files of Genesis 1.3.
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