Input File LibraryPEGASUS FELUCLA - under constructionInfrared Free-Electron Laser. The space charge forces prevents saturation within the 2m undulator length. Input FilesVISA FELBNL/LLNL/SLAC/UCLA - saturationFree-electron Laser in the visible regime. The beam optics of the beam transport line distorted the phase space distribution of the electron bunch. The input files contain an input distribution (visa.beam), obtained by ELEGANT simulation. This distribution is included in the time-dependent simulation (visa_time.in) Input FilesTTF FELDESY (international collaboration) - saturationFree-Electron Laser in the VUV regime. The same undulator but with fewer modules has been used for an FEL at 100 nm and lower beam energy. Saturation has been obtained at this wavelength. The file contains also a second input deck and a lettice. It demonstrate the use of the external magnet file. The focusing lattice in this case is set up so that a quadrupole doublet alternates with an undulator module. Input FilesLCLS FELSLAC/APS/BNL/LANL/LLNL/UCLA - under constructionX-ray Free-electron Laser. The tight paramer tolerance of the FEL requires a high-brightness electron source and a careful beam transport from the electron gun to the undulator. With the input file lcls_wake.in the beam description file is imported into GENESIS 1.3. It is based on the simulation using ELEGANT. The expected wake field within the undulator is added to this file. Input FilesTESLA FELDESY (International Collaboration) - under constructionX-ray Free-electron Laser based on a super-conducting linear accelerator. The TESLA project sees a variety of undulators using the beam produced by the linac. The input deck is set-up for the shortest wavelength at 1.5 Aengstroem . Input Files |