The Main Input File
All input parameters are contained by a FORTRAN namelist. The namelist has to fulfill a
specific syntax, otherwise GENESIS 1.3 reports an error message and quits. The error support for namelist is minimal and does not help to identify the problem.
- The first character of every line must be blank.
- The namelist starts with $newrun and ends with $end. Any text outside the
namelist is ignored.
- The format of an entry in a namelist is: parameter name, equal sign, value (e.g.
NPART = 2048).
- Parameter names and name list names are case insensitve
- Arrays element are either defined by the index (LOUT(4) = 1) or by a list of
several elements separated by spaces (LOUT =1 1 0 0), starting with the first
element in the array.
- Strings are assigned by using single, double or no quotation marks at all (e.g.
BEAMFILE = 'beam.dat', MAGINFILE = undulator.lattice).
- Multiple entries per line have to be separated by commas.